Project Details

Creation Date: August 2018
Platform: Craft CMS
Project URL:

Services Provided: Website Design, Website Development, Basic Search Engine Optimization, Basic Brand Guide Creation

  • Categories:
  • Craft CMS
  • UX/UI

The Ask

Athletes Unlimited is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing social, recreational and athletic outlets to people with disabilities. They had come to us in need of a new brochure style website that was easy to navigate and edit. As a non-profit, many of the users were determined to be visiting the site from a mobile phone at charity events, so the experience must be easy to navigate on mobile as well to quickly be able to donate to the cause.

Previously the website had been built in Joomla and was extremely difficult for the Athletes Unlimited marketing team to update and manage. Also, the website structure was difficult to navigate and a good portion of the website wasn't functioning. There were also no running analytics as they were controlled by a previous vendor that we weren't able to get in touch with in order to get reports on.

Our Solution

We have chosen Craft CMS for the website to provide a flexible, easy to use solution that will last for years down the road. Built with our custom version of Bootstrap 4, we were able to rapidly build a custom responsive layout that looked great on any device as well as matched brand styles.

As for interesting features added onto the website, we have included a custom built gallery to display all the images taken at a particular event. Each image was going to be uploaded from the marketing time, then resized and saved through the Craft Imager plugin to load quickly on any device. We also included a simple Mailchimp subscription form as well a simple donation page utilizing the Stripe payment platform. We also re-structured the sitemap of the website to make the site easier to navigate and be able to find the most relevant content.

On site launch, we have included Google Analytics to report exactly how users were interacting with the site and which device, operating system and browser users were generally using.


During the first 90 days of the site launch, 69% of users were desktop, 27% mobile and 3% tablet. This led our team to later focus on the full desktop design for updates. The average user was also primarily using a newer browser, with Chrome and Safari usage for 90% of users. This makes it possible for us to use newer technologies without having to worry much past the last 3 versions of all major browsers.

Two Screen Frame
Mobile Screen Frame
Athletes Unlimited Sitemap